The disciplinary defense of law enforcement in Newark, New Jersey, is a topic that has been debated for years. Law enforcement officers are not always treated fairly when subject to disciplinary investigations and may be disciplined without appropriate due process rights or procedures. The disciplinary defense attorneys at our firm can provide you with knowledgeable legal counsel to help protect your job security. Learn more here.
Law enforcement officers are held to a higher standard of conduct than most civilians because they must enforce the laws that govern society and protect those who abide by them. However, police misconduct can be brutal to prove due to the complexities surrounding cases where an officer claims self-defense or defense of another person. Because prosecutors must present evidence beyond a reasonable doubt before any conviction occurs, they must determine whether there was criminal intent on behalf of the accused if events were not captured on camera. This investigation also applies when allegations against multiple offenders occur. Law enforcement disciplinary defense in Newark, NJ, may also involve the use of expert witnesses. These experts can be police officers or civilians who testify to a defendant’s character and behavior during prior incidents. Such testimony shows that an officer acted according to the protocol when others scrutinized their actions on previous occasions. Learn more about Get the Lowdown: Newark’s Law Enforcement Defense.